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14/10/2024e-CMR in container logistics After the kick-off on June 27, 2024 at Rotterdam Shortsea Terminal, we started working to further involve parties. This resulted in 16 registrations for the Living Lab digitization of e-CMR: seven terminals, four carriers and five shippers. Five companies have now started implementing the digital consignment note. In the Living lab, technology companies, terminals, shippers and transporters work closely together to digitize logistics and administrative processes in container logistics in an innovative way. With paperless, efficient and safe multimodal container transport as the highest goal. Below you will find an overview of the participating companies: Kraaijeveld Groente en FruitContainer Terminal DoesburgBTT | Multimodal Container SolutionsVos LogisticsBoekestijn TransportMarkiezaat Container TerminalHeuschen & SchrouffLamb Weston EMEARotterdam Shortsea TerminalsLogistiek Centrum Gorinchem B.V.Inland Terminals GroupInt. Transport OverbeekFrigo WarehousingMelkweg FritomUnidex Holland In the coming months, various IT parties will realize a digital ecosystem for container logistics. This forms the foundation of the digital solution. This allows companies to safely exchange data with each other. This will soon allow data exchange to take place at container level with which various e-CMR providers can handle the signing of the digital consignment note based on gate in/out events. E-CMR is therefore the first actual logistics application in this digital ecosystem. Innotractor, Secure Logistics and Collect + Go recently had several sessions to develop an initial draft. In the coming weeks, the design of the digital ecosystem will be completed and the technical setup can begin. In parallel, participants can already start the e-CMR implementation together with their e-CMR provider. The e-CMR application for import will be put into production at the end of this year and the export flow will be added next year. Open technology model To facilitate and guarantee broad applicability and adoption in container logistics, coordination has also been sought with Portbase, deep-sea terminals and other e-CMR providers. Portbase can play a role within this Living Lab to make the e-CMR dataset available to supply chain parties. This is now being explored further. Discussions are also underway with deep-sea terminals to integrate their gate out/in processes, so that transporters can ultimately work in a uniform manner in the port of Rotterdam. In addition, e-CMR providers Cargoledger and Beurtvaartadres/Transfollow have also been willing to participate in this initiative. The Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI) helps to facilitate secure data exchange between supply chain parties within an open technology model: a digital container logistics ecosystem! The digital consignment note (or e-CMR) is the first application. More are expected to follow, such as order booking, CO2 footprint and supply chain visibility. Voucher arrangement Do you also want to get started with e-CMR and do you have container flows? Then register for the voucher scheme! You will then receive a subsidy of up to 10,000 euros. More information about this scheme can be found at this website. Book an online meeting if you want to know more about this initiative and the voucher arrangement. […]
23/09/2024Autonomous driving, EVs, and connectivity These were the buzzwords and key themes at the IAA, one of the largest European trade fairs for truck and component manufacturers. Last week, I spent a few days in Hannover. Traditionally, this fair has been all about tough men and their machines. This year, however, the focus shifted to sustainability, autonomous driving, and connectivity. There were test drives in electric trucks, charging solutions from various providers—everything you could imagine. As the son of a farmer who grew up on a crop farm, one thing that stood out to me was the autonomous tractor from Krone. It looked strange—no cab, no steering wheel. But then it clicked: the field is the perfect environment for autonomous driving. No traffic, just plowing or mowing in straight lines.  German Economy and Climate Minister Habeck, came to the Krone stand with a large press delegation and announced that Germany is leading the way in autonomous driving. He mentioned two of our partners, Krone and ZF, as industrial leaders in this field.   Autonomous driving has been on our agenda for a while too. We’re already working on digitizing goods transfers so that no human intervention is needed. At Lamb Weston, the fries go straight from the conveyor belt into the trailer. At container terminals, there’s no one there to sign anything, and the driver gets an interchange receipt from a kiosk. These are interesting process points for us to link with e-CMR handling so that the paperwork is automatically taken care of at the point of handover—without the drivers needing to do anything. This fits perfectly with our motto: “Drivers and paperwork don’t make a good combination.”  We share this knowledge with truck manufacturers as well. PACCAR launched its new marketplace and app store, PACCAR Connect. at the IAA. They’re now the first truck manufacturer to offer a connectivity platform by default, where drivers can work on an integrated tablet even outside the vehicle. This tablet syncs with the fixed unit in the truck. Transport managers can push apps of their choice to the drivers via an MDM (Mobile Device Management) system. The initial sales figures are promising. Many field tablets have already been delivered with the purchase of new trucks. New and existing DAF trucks (as old as 2015!) can be equipped with this option.  Through our own app and partner model, we’re now even more connected with drivers. When a carrier uses its own app or a fleet management app like ZF Transics, TIS, LBase, Logi-App, Data2Track of Modality Truck App, e-CMRs can also be processed within the PACCAR Connect platform. Now we just need to ensure the process is robust enough to handle changing drivers.  As a company based in Brabant, we’re excited to contribute to the further development of such functionalities. Our ambition is to tell you more about it next year at Transport and Logistics in Munich or at the next IAA in Hannover. Want to know more? Make an appointment via the  contactform on our website.      […]
06/09/2024Ratification Hungary The Hungarian partliament also ratified the e-CMR protocol on 28th August 2024.  Almost all of Europe is now turning green. The map below shows an overview of EU and surrounding countries where e-CMR can be applied. Via this link a worldwide overview. As one of the leading parties in this area, we help shippers and transporters to digitize goods issuance, handling and receipt of goods with e-CMR. Do you want to get started now? Feel free to schedule an online appointment via the contact form. […]
11/06/2024Digitalization of container handling Are you a shipper or carrier transporting containers to the port of Rotterdam or inland terminals? Then take a few minutes to read this post. Within the Living Lab container digitization, we work together with terminals, shippers, and carriers to promote e-CMR digitalization. Participants who get started on this can receive an innovation contribution of up to 10,000 euros. Make an appointment via the form below if you want to qualify for this opportunity. Living Lab 52 DIL Collect + Go is one of the drivers of the Living Lab digitization of multimodal container logistics. Within this program, knowledge and application of e-CMR and related technologies in container logistics are further developed with carriers, shippers, and terminals. By bringing together activities from various initiatives, such as Digital Infrastructure Logistics and Joint Corridors Off-Road, in a Living Lab, digitization in multimodal container logistics is promoted. This innovative collaboration aims for paperless, efficient, and secure multimodal container transport in the hinterland and to and from the Port of Rotterdam, both for import and export flows. Objectives The collaboration brings together technology companies, terminals, shippers, and carriers to digitize logistics and administrative processes in container logistics in an innovative way. The Living Lab focuses on achieving: Paperless operations: Digitization and data-driven operations will become the norm; Document management solution: Documents, transfer moments, and signing processes are digitally and automatically recorded; Safe transport process: Carriers and their drivers operate within a secure process to transfer the container; Relevant information at the right time: Parties share relevant data with their chain partners in a timely manner. Use of advanced technologies Technology companies Collect + Go, InnoTractor, Pharox, and Sentors have integrated their technologies to seamlessly connect with container logistics processes, laying the foundation for their clients to activate e-CMR, OCR, AI, IoT, GPS sensors, and end-to-end visibility. Connection to BDI This initiative also aligns with the Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI), a logistics agreement that focuses on controlled data sharing. The BDI determines who has access to data and under what conditions this data can be viewed or modified. By sharing data through the BDI, supply chains can optimize and innovate. This transition enables businesses to move from one-to-one data connections to federated data sharing for the entire chain. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Bedrijfsnaam *Naam *FirstLastE-mail *Geef hieronder twee datum/tijd opties op:Optie 1:DateTimeOptie 2:DateTimeGDPR-overeenkomst * Ik stem ermee in dat deze site mijn ingediende informatie opslaat zodat zij op mijn vraag kunnen reageren. Verstuur […]
11/04/2024Smurfit Kappa creates fastlane with e-CMR Smurfit Kappa is one of the largest players in paper-based packaging worldwide. The paper mill in Roermond supplies the rolls of paper that are used to make cardboard packaging. Various transporters are used in European distribution. To optimize this process, Smurfit Kappa has integrated Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution into its business operations.This fits seamlessly with the goods issue from SAP. At Smurfit Kappa they were looking for a solution that provides legal cover and allows for faster handling of the truck. Marc Scheeren, logistics manager at Smurfit Kappa, says: “Our factory site is small. As a result, we have to continuously improve the transport movements. e-CMR enables us to have trucks leave quicker. Signoff at the forklift Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution offers the opportunity to trigger document signoff deeper in the operation. Scheeren says: “The forklift driver loads the rolls of paper onto the tautliner. The driver can sign with the forklift driver. He no longer has to go inside and can leave immediately. Transporters can choose how they integrate the e-CMR process into their daily operations. This was essential for us, because transporters and our customers must also be able to work with it. Collect + Go has the know-how and can make this happen.” The implementation went smoothly from the moment IT was on board. At the start of the implementation several sub-processes were identified. Scheeren: “An intercompany shipment works differently than a delivery to the external customer. By involving all parties involved, both internally and externally, we can now roll out the e-CMR process across the board. The technology supports this.” No-nonsense approach Collect + Go provided the Smurfit Kappa project team with the necessary technical specifications and supervised the process from the start. Scheeren explains: “With the provided tools we were able to make the connection with our own SAP application. We had regular contact with the Collect + Go team and received immediate answers to our questions thanks to the short lines of communication.” Efficiency and user-friendliness Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution provides Smurfit Kappa and its supply chain parties several benefits. Scheeren: “Digitalization not only saves us a lot of costs, but is also more sustainable. With Collect + Go we now have digital proof of delivery, which is important both legally and operationally. Furthermore, the system allows us to better manage our customers’ expectations by delivering a more modern and user-friendly experience. For example, deliveries can be tracked in real time.” Would you like to know more about this and other cases? Click here for more customer references. […]
20/03/2024Flowers can now be shipped to Vatican with e-CMR On March 4, the Italian Parliament ratified the e-CMR protocol. This means that e-CMR can now also be applied in Italy. Since Italy is the fourth largest economy in the EU and is responsible for many cross-border transports within the EU, this further accelerates the adoption and application of e-CMR. As one of the leading parties in this area, we help shippers and transporters to digitize goods issuance, handling and receipt of goods with e-CMR. Overview of countries to apply e-CMR  e-CMR can be applied in 36 countries worldwide, below an overview for EU and surrounding countries. […]
13/03/2024BTT digitizes container handling with e-CMR BTT Multimodal Container Solutions offers sustainable container logistics, with full-service solutions for container handling and transport, nationally and internationally. With its own barge and rail terminals in Tilburg, Eindhoven and Bergen op Zoom, dozens of connections to and from Rotterdam, Antwerp, Poland and China are maintained every week.The introduction of e-CMR was a long-cherished wish of Sjoerd de Roover, business engineering & IT manager. ‘e-CMR has been on my radar since 2019. As a multimodal service provider, we have to deal with a lot of paperwork. That is outdated, but is deeply rooted in the operation. So you can’t just change that.’Collect + Go understands this. They align their solutions with our processes. This makes the transition to paperless easier. We recently started to apply e-CMR with Syncreon, one of our customers with a lot of administrative handling. Flexibele tekenprocessen De tekenprocessen van Collect + Go zijn heel goed te integreren in de dagelijkse praktijk. Dit is belangrijk omdat er bij containervervoer verschillende overdrachtsmomenten zijn. Wij plaatsen de container bij de laadsluis van de klant, maar onze chauffeurs openen de container niet. De handtekening voor ontvangst volgt dan dus op een later moment. In dat geval zet de klant via het webportal de handtekening. Daarmee wordt de container bij ons leeg gemeld. Dit genereert dan meteen een trigger dat de container leeg is en kan worden opgehaald. Daarnaast is het ook mogelijk om bij laad en los activiteiten de container leeg te melden. Flexibility in signoff Collect + Go’s e-signing processes can be easily integrated into daily practice. This is important because there are different transfer moments in container transport. We place the container at the customer’s loading dock, but our drivers do not open the container. The signature for receipt will then follow at a later moment in time. In that case, the customer signs via the web portal. With this signoff the container is reported empty and ready for pickup. In addition, it is now also possible to report the container empty during loading and unloading activities. Security and compliance In addition to sustainability, data security and compliance with laws and regulations are very important. De Roover: “We collect goods from customers and in the port of Rotterdam. Collect + Go already works with parties that add extra security to the process for collecting and returning containers. This is important, because their smart integrations are already being used by other terminals. With the e-CMR certification by the Benelux authorities, we are compliant with laws and regulations. The ISO27001 certification offers comfort in the field of data security.” Further rollout Because e-CMR provides important benefits for BTT, the application of Collect + Go will be further implemented. De Roover: “e-CMR is also very interesting in the multimodal process. We have already done a first test on the Tilburg-Rzepin corridor.” […]
14/12/2023Today during the Day of the Truck driver Bossche Bollen are served to drivers at Scheuten Glas, Brouwers Transport and Leen Bakker. These companies celebrate that drivers have been at the forefront of applying e-CMR in recent years. As a company from ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Collect + Go has provided the technology that made this happen.  Deelnemende bedrijven Scheuten Glas, one of the market leaders in the Netherlands in glass panes for the construction industry, has been working with e-CMR for three years. Drivers from the transport companies Lannutti/Schade, Bascon, P. Daemen, Simon Loos, Kees Koopman, Emons, Eurogaume and Glass Transport Group apply the e-CMR process in Scheuten’s supply chain, upstream and downstream. Brouwers Transport from ‘s-Hertogenbosch has been working with e-CMR for two years now. Drivers handle their administration within the ZF/Transics workflow. The process runs in the background. This saves a lot of paper and hassle. Leen Bakker is a user from the very beginning. As a token of appreciation for years of use, Jan de Groot’s delicacy is also available here.   Customer references Would you like to know how these (and other) parties apply e-CMR? Then take a look at these customer cases:  Scheuten Glas  Brouwers Transport  AGC  Kraaijeveld Groente en Fruit Wim Claes […]
17/11/2023New streamlined process inspires AGC to ramp up e-CMR in daily operation AGC Glass, a division of AGC Group, is one of the leading glass manufacturers in construction. Their glass panes are distributed all over the world to their customers. The European logistic process was digitized recently with Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution. Container carrier De Block from Evergem played an important role in this digital transition.  AGC’s ambition was to streamline the daily operation in a paperless flow. One of their customers already applied e-CMR since 2019. During the Covid pandemic, this new way of working proved its value. It was very easy to switch over to a QR code signoff process in which social distancing was applied. For AGC’s logistics team this was the first stepping stone in digitization of the logistics operation.  For Gauthier Bouchez, project manager AGC Glass, the e-CMR process brings a lot of value to the business: “Collect + Go delivers flexible scenarios in handling the e-CMR. When we initiated the project we thought that the goods issuing from our SAP system would be the starting point for e-CMR. It turned out that the process actually started at carrier De Block. They had a legal obligation to issue a paper CMR for the empty container leg. With Collect + Go’s flexible scenario handling we were able to combine two paper CMR’s into one digital e-CMR flow. With this real time process we have full visibility on our shipments now.”    3 months implementation This new way of working was delivered by the implementation team during the summer. Bouchez: “Collect + Go was selected via our RFI/RFP process. Their proven track record with one of our customers and their government certification and technical capabilities were important in our assessment. The project team started just before the summer. We went live mid-September. The integration with our SAP system was made via an API connection. De Block chose to integrate their planning and execution process in parallel. These preparations proved their value in the go live. This went smoothly and for the full 100% for container transport.”  Data security and compliance Data security and legal compliance was, next to sustainability, vital to us. Bouchez: “We deliver goods to the Antwerp harbor. One of Collect + Go’s specializations is to link the e-CMR process to gate in / gate out processes. They already integrate with partners that add extra security to the pickup and delivery of containers at the terminals. The e-CMR accreditation by the Benelux governments provides the necessary legal compliancy. The ISO27001 certification safeguards us on data security. Further rollout Because e-CMR delivers important benefits for AGC Glass we are committed to further rollout to our other main carriers. Bouchez: “e-CMR is also of value to them. It eliminates a lot of hassle in the daily operation and provides real time visibility. Our next step is to apply on the other streams too.” […]
08/11/2023AI integration for e-CMR AI integration container- and sealrecognition On October 24, Sentors, Pharox and Collect + Go launched the first AI integration for e-CMR during the final DDSZ event at VDL Steelweld in Breda. During this event, interested parties could experience how drivers can automatically create e-CMRs from their daily work process when they take photos of container and seal numbers. These photos provide additional information in the context of visibility and transparency in the supply chain. Another advantage of this way of working is that it provides more flexibility in handling by drivers. It is not always known in advance which container is being transported. Only after arriving at the location the driver will be told which container is ready to go. A flow in which documentation is built up based on user activities was therefore desirable. The application of AI technologies, in addition to existing OCR techniques, offers new opportunities to organize processes differently. Intermodal Container Transport Venlo (CTV) is the first to apply this innovation when drivers pick up an export container for their customers. This will build up the first data to train the model for recognizing seal and container numbers. The first datasets for containers and seal numbers have already been processed within the AI application.   Availability We developed this integration in collaboration with Sentors and Pharox within Digital Data Square South Netherlands (DDSZ).                                            […]
26/09/2022Automatic linking of eCMR at pickup and return of containers That’s what we do with the Cargocard integration. More than 27,000 drivers are already in possession of the Cargocard issued by Secure Logistics. They need this card to pick up or return containers at/to the port. After (biometric) verification of their identity, they get access to the terminal premises for loading or unloading. From that moment on, the renewed e-CMR flow starts. A number of additional checks are immediately performed in the background. After pick up or return of the container, the driver swipes his card on exit of the terminal or card reader at the counter at the customer. At that time, various signatures are placed on the e-CMR. The driver also immediately receives the e-CMRs by e-mail. This is necessary on inspection. This new way of working was introduced in September at Combi Terminal Twente (CTT) in Hengelo. Drivers who pass the gate after loading, automatically receive their e-CMR. When unloading, CTT’s customers sign for receipt within the Modality Truck app. Modality has expanded its system for this with a link to our e-CMR solution. This integration is also available for transporters that operate ZF Transics (TX Flex and Solo). The use of the e-CMR is a good example of optimization and digitization within the supply chain and offers the following benefits: Extra security via identification of driver and company credentials Instant access to signed documents More efficiency and convenience for the driver Less risk of errors, delays and loss of documents Invoicing immediately after delivery A more sustainable solution compared to the paper version Please fill in the form below if you want to know more about. We will then send you an invitation for an online consultation. […]
17/06/2022Data protection eCMR ISO27001: 2017 On June 16, KIWA awarded the ISO27001:2017 certificate to Collect + Go. This allows our customers to always rely on the highest standards in business operations and information security. Highlights:    guaranteeing secure information facilities; protecting critical processes; protecting and correctly processing personal data; responding adequately to incidents; achieving information security awareness among employees and other stakeholders; integrating information security & privacy into daily practice; In addition to this certification, the Collect + Go platform is also certified for the e-CMR protocol. […]
14/06/2022e-CMR HUB: data exchange between e-CMR providers e-CMR providers Cargoledger, Collect + Go, Logistiek Zonder Papier and Pionira are working together on a generic open API structure to handle each other’s e-CMRs. They do this with the e-CMR HUB within I4TRUST. By adding Fiware and iSHARE technology in the mutual cooperation, we make it possible to recognize and further process each other’s transactions. A user within one platform can then sign an e-CMR on the other platform. In addition to this function, an inspection process is also being worked on. Consortium member 51BIZ from Luxembourg shares knowledge in the field of inspection by public authorities.    On May 12, we presented this setup to the Benelux governments and other e-CMR providers within the e-CMR Benelux working group. There, this initiative was positively received. It was also suggested that this initiative be given a place within Basic Data Infrastructure (BDI), an initiative within Rijkswaterstaat. Funding is made available from the EU to develop and integrate these compatibility functions into the solutions of the participating consortium members. […]
05/04/2022electronic consignment note OR E-cmr can be applied in Germany as of todaY. A number of our customers immediately put their money where their mouth is by activating eCMR for logistics flows from Germany to the Netherlands and vice versa. Germany accounts for 50% of all cross border road transportation in the EU. The adoption of the digital consignment note is now raised to above 90% on all cross border road transports.    Thorough preparation for introduction of digital consignment note It is expected that this new way of working can be introduced silently. The German federal states were involved prior to the ratification of the e-CMR legislation. After ratification on September 17, 2021 by the German parliament, the government has taken the time to work out the implementation. Would you also like to put it to the test and get started with e-CMR? Schedule an online appointment by filling in the form below. eCMR now available in 31 countries The digital consignment note can now be used in 31 countries. On the map below you will find an overview of the countries in and around Europe where you can work with electronic waybills. More information: Ratification of eCMR by Germany:  Publication 17th September 2021 List ratificaties […]
20/03/2022https://youtu.be/MscqrKcjjX8 This item about e-CMR in RTL Transportwereld shows how e-CMR works in practice. Math Heetkamp (logistics manager) is enthusiastic about the advantages of e-CMR and explains how Scheuten Glass benefits from this in the logistics operation. Hans Togtema (CEO Collect + Go) shares how e-CMR HUB works in practice and how the exchange of data between e-CMR providers is organized. Thus enabling a process where truck drivers do not need all kinds of different apps for their administration. […]
02/03/2022e-CMR HUB. That is the name of the dataspace where e-CMR providers can exchange data to handle each other’s e-CMRs. Collect + Go, Cargoledger, Logistiek Zonder Papier and Pionira work together in this dataspace on e-CMR compatibility. Our goal is to make APIs available that make it possible to sign off each other’s e-CMRs. In practice, we are already doing this with Pionira. A major Belgian brewer issues e-CMRs on Pionira’s Xynaps platform. Drivers process these e-CMRs further with Collect + Go in their familiar Transics workflow. We are now developing this platform-to-platform integration into a generic function within the Data Innovation Hub ‘Smart Connected Supplier Network‘ in Eindhoven. Funds from the European Union have been made available to the e-CMR HUB Consortium to develop two generic components: – e-CMR Transaction clearance service. This API will ensure that e-CMR providers can sign transactions with each other. – e-CMR Inspection service. With this API we provide a common access point for on-the-go checks. This initiative is supported by the I4TRUST organization. They provide the tools and resources for effective and confidential data exchange (including Fiware, iSHARE, Fundingbox). Would you like to receive a more detailed description of this initiative? Then fill in the contact form below. […]
14/01/2022For cross-border transport of containers, it is required to carry a consignment not or CMR waybill. This consignment note must be present at all times with the shipment. During transport, this document can be transferred, checked or edited at various times (see picture below). For a number of years it has been possible to replace the paper version with e-CMR, the digital equivalent of the CMR. The Benelux authorities have certified various parties to digitize the waybill process. These parties thus comply with all legal requirements as set out in the e-CMR protocol. e-CMR can now be used in 31 countries. Since the use of e-CMR will also be permitted in Germany from April 2022, the map for e-CMR is almost completely green in Europe. Output The e-CMR has now been put into use in a number of places. As a result, concrete and measurable results are available, including – but not limited to – the following: Reduction of transaction costs Thousands of lorries pick up and return containers at the terminals every day. It is estimated that the total transaction costs of the paper CMR are on average € 4.50 per transaction. By applying the E-CMR, these transaction costs within the chain are reduced by 90%. Transporters, terminals and shipping companies see returns increase due to faster transaction processing. Availability of information The transport sector is attractive for serious crime such as human and drug smuggling or theft of valuable goods. Digital availability of information ensures that the government’s insight into the logistics process is increased. The benefits of this include: Limiting damage through early identification of various forms of fraud Exception check is possible The control process can partly take place outside the terminal Next step Thanks to the digitization of the consignment note, there are opportunities for further innovation to improve the logistics process. Partnerships can solve specific challenges, such as data distribution in the chain. Instead of making all information available to all parties involved, it offers opportunities to share relevant information in a fully targeted manner. This benefits efficiency but above all safety. Pin codes with which containers are released are known in many places in the chain. Smart solutions between information systems can make this a lot safer. Think of a link between the driver card from the on-board computer, the aforementioned system and the access management system, whereby the driver does not have to enter the pin code, but can pick up ‘his’ container through biometric verification. Would you like to know more about the advantages and possibilities of the e-CMR in combination with biometric verification? Please fill out the contact form below. […]
09/11/2021Partnership Transics and Collect + Go During the ICT&Logistics fair on 10 and 11 November, Transics and Collect + Go will launch their partnership for e-CMR. More than 800 transporters in the EU can now easily activate the e-CMR process in  their supply chain. Consignment notes are processed automatically based on the activities of the drivers in their daily workflow. This decreases the handling time at pickup and delivery. The return goods administration and registration of waiting times is also made available for the e-CMR. Do you want to know more about this partnership? Register via the link below for one of the knowledge sessions in Theater 6 on November 10 at 3:00 PM or Thursday November 11 at 12:15 PM. Together with Gerdrik Pongers (country leader Transics) we present more backgrounds to this innovation. https://www.ict-en-logistiek.nl/nl/programma/  You can  also visit us in Hall 1 Stand 01.E035 or Stand 01.D032 (Transics). […]
11/10/2021e-CMR to be applied from February 2022 We received an update on the application of e-CMR in Germany via the Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. This update shows that e-CMR can be used from February 2022. Accession Process The legislation on e-CMR was published on 17 September. The accession itself has not yet taken place. This formal accession process is expected to be completed by the end of October or during November. A transition period of 90 days from the declaration of membership is expected. For Germany, this currently means that e-CMR will enter into force at the end of January or February 2022. No additional national regulations apply Germany has adopted the e-CMR protocol, as it is also used in the 30 other countries that have previously ratified. No additional national regulations apply. The project of the German Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics shows what a technical solution could look like. Supply chain parties are not obliged to use the software developed by the Fraunhofer Institute. […]
17/09/2021e-CMR in Germany On September 17, 2021, the German parliament ratified the e-CMR protocol. This means that e-CMR can now also be used in Germany. Since Germany accounts for almost half of all cross-border transports, this greatly accelerates the adoption and application of e-CMR. In this article we share more details, including the latest status for ratifications. e-CMR can be applied in 31 countries now. Can I start right away? On Friday 17 September, the draft law was approved by the German Federal Council. The official approval and implementation in the German Bundestag is expected soon. This is a formality. Due to the upcoming Bundestag elections on Sunday 26 September, this official ratification may be slightly delayed. This does not alter the fact that the Bundestag decision paves the way for the official use of the digital consignment note in Germany. Thorough preparation and elaboration The Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz prepared the e-CMR legislation before it was submitted to the Bundestag (the German parliament). Based on the e-CMR protocol, a thorough analysis has been made of the legal articles and their interpretation for application by companies. Here you will find, for example, instructions for the application of a secure signature. This legislation has been coordinated with the federal states and employers’ organizations before submission. As a result, there is broad support and the e-CMR protocol can be applied nationally. Latest status e-CMR ratifications Below you will find a map with the latest status for e-CMR ratifications. The e-CMR protocol was ratified by 30 countries worldwide and can be applied throughout Europe and neighboring countries. Source: treaties UN […]
02/06/2021e-CMR on the rise among shippers and transporters Figures from Dutch government organization NIWO show that the use of e-CMR quadrupled in 2020 in the Benelux. This means that digital goods issuance is on the rise among shippers and transporters. Based on our experience, and in partnership with The Rookie Minds we created the publication ‘8 Insights for digitizing goods issuance’. With the best practices in this publication we help companies to reduce administrative costs and improve the quality of the issuance process. Below you will find 4 recommendations: 1) Companies that certify their goods issuing process save money and improve the quality of their operation. 2) With digital goods issuance you take data security to a higher level. 3) More than 50% of all transports within the EU can already be handled paperless. Now is a good time to open up the digital issuing desk. 4) Trucks will no longer have to be stopped for inspection. Invest now in a data export function within your ERP or TMS system to enable ‘on the fly’ inspections. Curious what the other 4 best practices are? Fill in the form below and we will share the full publication. […]
20/04/2021The e-CMR Academy was launched at the beginning of April. This program is specially designed to enable organizations to apply e-CMR within a few hours, after setup. Core users are trained in an online ‘Train-the-Trainer’ session to work with e-CMR. Keynotes: Explanation about e-CMR and the changes in the process Explanation e-CMR application and core functions within Collect + Go, e.g. data management of organizations, users and roles and the application of secure e-signing processes Handling e-CMRs, the “happy flow” Exceptions handling After completing the Train-the-Trainer session, 5 online coaching sessions of 20 minutes are planned in the first week in which e-CMR is applied in the workplace. During these sessions, it is discussed how the implementation is progressing and where adjustments are needed. The first shippers and carriers have now participated in the e-CMR Academy. […]
10/04/2021Quooker is the first to test Freemium eCMR Two weeks ago Quooker started using Collect + Go via the Freemium model. This Freemium model has been developed together with Logistics Community Brabant to enable companies to get started with e-CMR in an accessible way. Quooker has used the opportunity to implement this new way of working through the Train-the-Trainer program. This program is designed to train logistics professionals within 4 hours to apply e-CMR in the operation. Want to start with Freemium? Do you also want to start with Freemium? Register your company via the button below. Start with Freemium […]
16/03/2021The Benelux authorities have given a positive advice for the use of the interoperability function of Collect + Go. With this function it is possible to process e-CMRs from other e-CMR providers. The NIWO organisation (part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management) reviewed Collect + Go’s software changes for interoperability against the applicable legislation and regulations for the e-CMR protocol. This audit has shown that the exchange of data is in line with the requirements for checks en route, application of secure signatures and information sharing. Based on this positive assessment, this function can therefore be applied within goods issue and receipt processes. Collect + Go works together with other e-CMR providers within the open partnership Digi-Transit. Within this collaboration, the integration has been set up to share e-signing processes with each other. Truck drivers and warehouse workers who work with Collect + Go can sign the e-CMRs from other providers within their familiar process. Under the hood, the data is exchanged, so that ‘interoperable’ e-CMRs can be processed further. The signature of our users is therefore also valid for e-signing on other e-CMR platforms. […]
27/02/2021With the launch of our winter release, the 1-2-3 architecture has been introduced to handle an e-CMR from someone else. Vrumona is the first to use this new feature. They have developed their own app for domestic transport. This app is used in retail and out of home. In the retail scenario, the consignment note is signed by the driver in Bunnik. This is done within the Vrumona app. Retailers can now securely sign this domestic consignment note with an advanced  signature on goods receipt via Collect + Go. This advanced signature is then shared with Vrumona, thus completing the consignment note. With this technological innovation it is now possible to handle a digital consignment note from someone else. With this innovation, Collect + Go is the first to be able to put 1, 2 or 3 signatures on a digital consignment note. Work is currently being done on scenarios that make it possible to apply this interoperability with other e-CMR providers, so that this process can also be applied in cross border transport. […]
23/02/2021The integration with the DESADV message has been made for a number of customers. It is now possible to create the e-CMR based on the DESADV data that is already available. This electronic packing slip is reused to create the e-CMR and prepare it for the driver. He then picks it up in his work process and processes it further. This makes Collect + Go the first e-CMR provider with DESADV integration. The DESADV message is widely used in retail distribution.Endpoints and integrations are available, enabling manufacturers and logistics service providers to use their own work process for issuing and handling without system changes. For example, they can continue to work with apps or workflows that are already in use. When goods are received, the process is set up in such a way that digital consignment notes from other parties can also be signed. […]
27/11/2019e-Signing for warehouse | Sharing of authentications within Digi-Transit Sharing of authentications in e-CMR There is a lot of paper hassle in logistics. 99% of all cross-border road transports are accompanied by paper waybills / CMRs, a legal requirement. The typical process is that waybills are printed out in the warehouses of shippers or carriers and handed over to truck drivers. Pionira and Collect + Go are both experts in digitizing this process. With their accreditation by the Benelux governments to create e-CMRs, they offer companies such as Vos Logistics, Stora Enso, Leen Bakker, Scheuten Glas, Molenbergnatie and Eutraco a digital solution compliant with e-CMR legislation. One of the important barriers to implement the e-CMR process is the acceptance of digital signing processes by warehouse employees. Different e-CMR providers all use their own way of authenticating users within their signing processes. 5 e-CMR providers already work together on datasharing and interoperability in Digi-Transit (www.digi-transit.eu). In the beginning of 2019, Pionira from Zeebrugge and Collect + Go from ‘s-Hertogenbosch took the initiative to set up this open partnership. To further implement this collaboration, they are now launching a blockchain solution to share ID authentications, making it easier for shippers and LSP’s to digitize their signing processes. The essence is that a verification on one platform is shared with the other platform. For example, when a warehouse employee signs an incoming transaction within Pionira and an outgoing via Collect + Go, he can use the same authentication in signing. The warehouse employee only has to be registered once as a user within one of the respective platforms. The blockchain controls the rest via the “green tick”. Pionira and Collect + Go will work together in the coming months to make an initial setup via the blockchain (prototype). Once operational, this setup is shared with the other participants within Digi-Transit. Hans Togtema (CEO Collect + Go): “Good use cases in blockchain are rare, I think we have one. By sharing our authentications in a smart way with other e-CMR providers, we make it easy for shippers and LSP’s to work on e-CMR. The investment in a digital signing process pays off immediately. ” Barry van Leuven (CEO Pionira): “We are committed to mutual cooperation in Digi-Transit. This fits very well in with dynamics in the European market. The mutual sharing of data with the government and between platforms in a uniform manner is essential. Interoperability is the way forward in this. Leen Bakker digitizes store distribution with Mercedes-Benz Truck App Portal and Collect + Go Leen Bakker digitizes store distribution with Mercedes-Benz Truck App Portal and Collect + Go Store… e-CMR protocol ratified by Portugal Portugal ratified the e-CMR protocol on 26th September 2019. This brings the number of ‘digital’… Stay informed of our new innovations […]
14/10/2019Leen Bakker digitizes store distribution with Mercedes-Benz Truck App Portal and Collect + Go Store distribution Leen Bakker via Mercedes-Benz Truck App Portal and Collect + Go Jan Hamers (Logistics supervisor) had been looking forward to it for months: the delivery of the new Actros Mercedes trucks. These trucks are not only better for the environment, they are also ideal for handling driver tasks. One of these tasks is the handling of orders in store distribution. Mercedes ensures that Leen Bakker always leads the way with the best apps for their truck drivers. These apps are supplied as standard via the Mercedes-Benz app store, released earlier this year. Every new truck leaving the factory is now equipped with best in class apps for truck drivers. One of the apps now available for truck drivers is the Collect + Go app for handling e-CMR’s. As a result, Leen Bakker can now easily take the step to fully digitize store distribution. Orders are prepared as e-CMR for truck drivers from the WMS / TMS system. They sign their assigments in the truck on the Collect + Go app before they leave the distribution center in Raamsdonksveer. That is the only administrative act that they have to do! Jan Hamers: “This way of handling is perfect for us. Truck drivers have no administration anymore, that makes them happy. It also saves a lot of time in planning. Everything is digital and we have real-time insight into the status of the shipments. Collect + Go provides the certified e-CMR process in this. With the combination Mercedes Benz and Collect + Go we are sure that everything runs smoothly. In the coming months we will implement this new way of working within our branches. ” The new Actros Trucks: inside mirrors leads to 2% saving on fuel The new Actros trucks are equipped with new camera technology. With this camera technology the outside mirrors have been removed. These mirrors are now inside the truck. The improved aerodynamics of the truck leads to 2% less fuel consumption. In the video below you can see how these new mirrors perform. e-CMR de komende 5 jaar toe te passen in de gehele Benelux De verkeersministers van België, Luxemburg en Nederland hebben onlangs besloten de mogelijkheid om e-CMR toe… Nu beschikbaar voor meer dan 150.000 chauffeurs In samenwerking met Transics hebben we een geïntegreerde boordcomputer afhandeling voor de digitale vrachtbrief ontwikkeld.… iSHARE Inside iSHARE is een initiatief van de Topsector Logistiek. Tientallen publieke en private partijen uit de… Blijf op de hoogte van onze nieuwe innovaties […]
08/10/2019e-CMR protocol ratified by Portugal Portugal ratified the e-CMR protocol on 26th September 2019. This brings the number of ‘digital’ e-CMR countries to 23. The Iberian Peninsula is now completely digital for cross-border data exchange to other countries within the EU. Europe is further opening up for the digitization of cross-border road transport. On the map is shown in which countries e-CMR can be applied. Nu beschikbaar voor meer dan 150.000 chauffeurs In samenwerking met Transics hebben we een geïntegreerde boordcomputer afhandeling voor de digitale vrachtbrief ontwikkeld.… Stay informed of our new innovations Collect + Go easily connects to your system. With the file transfer method it does not matter in which format the data is delivered. We also have the option of further processing the data for you. With the API delivery we ensure seamless integration into your process. The Collect + Go platform connects very easily with all systems. Extracting data from your system is simple. We take care of the processing, regardless of the file format. The Collect + Go platform connects very easily with backend systems. When data is extracted from these systems with the cargo and / or journey data, we will take care of the further processing. No system adjustments are therefore necessary. There is also no hassle with formats. Innovator Innovators e-document handling digital world logistics logistic implementation digitising paper process real time insight status deliveries portal e-signatures different scenarios return goods ADR Cooperation Store Distribition Mercedes benz Truck App e-CMR ecmr e cmr protocol ratified warehouse Digi-transit Drivers Driver WMS / TMS system Administrative Implementation Simple Affordable Flexible Connects File Transfer Method API Delivery FTP API Company Users Data Environment QR code Pin code On-board Computer collect and go collect&go collect & go collectgo mrn brexit ecmr e cmr app colect collect digital cmr load cargo systems file format system links supply chain partners assignments dashboard signatures goods trace track sign on glass covid proof warehouse complex scenarios packaging ERP system ADR Transport Digital Electronic Documents Cooperation DIGI Transit Technology Innovation Process Paper […]
07/09/2019QR for Warehouse Easily share e-CMR data QR for Warehouse was launched on 5 September 2019 at the Vos Logistics Expo customer day. More than 600 guests took a look into the distant future on this day. CEO Frank Verhoeven and CFO Ben Vos took the participants to the year 2040. Self-driving lorries powered by hydrogen were docking at the right place with shippers for a few years already. Full of surprise, people looked back on the year 2019, when paper was still the norm. Collect + Go launched the QR for Warehouse innovation on this day. With this innovation transporters and shippers are enabled to work paperless in an easy way. Vos Logistics hereby invites its customers to digitise the issuance processes and prepare them for e-CMR. In collaboration with Transics, a workflow has been defined for truckdrivers in which the delivery process of the shipper within QR for Warehouse fits in seamlessly with the administrative process of Vos Logistics and the driver’s work process. Not with all kinds of different apps and devices, but within the driver’s question path on his TX Flex. The driver is thus enabled to have his shipments signed off confidentially and safely by warehouse employees. This way of sharing data offers a number of important benefits for shippers and carriers. Nu beschikbaar voor meer dan 150.000 chauffeurs In samenwerking met Transics hebben we een geïntegreerde boordcomputer afhandeling voor de digitale vrachtbrief ontwikkeld.… iSHARE Inside iSHARE is een initiatief van de Topsector Logistiek. Tientallen publieke en private partijen uit de… Stay informed of our new innovations Collect + Go easily connects to your system. With the file transfer method it does not matter in which format the data is delivered. We also have the option of further processing the data for you. With the API delivery we ensure seamless integration into your process. The Collect + Go platform connects very easily with all systems. Extracting data from your system is simple. We take care of the processing, regardless of the file format. The Collect + Go platform connects very easily with backend systems. When data is extracted from these systems with the cargo and / or journey data, we will take care of the further processing. No system adjustments are therefore necessary. There is also no hassle with formats. Innovator Innovators e-document handling digital world logistics logistic implementation digitising paper process real time insight status deliveries portal e-signatures different scenarios return goods ADR Cooperation Store Distribition Mercedes benz Truck App e-CMR ecmr e cmr protocol ratified warehouse Digi-transit Drivers Driver WMS / TMS system Administrative Implementation Simple Affordable Flexible Connects File Transfer Method API Delivery FTP API Company Users Data Environment QR code Pin code On-board Computer collect and go collect&go collect & go collectgo mrn brexit ecmr e cmr app colect collect digital cmr load cargo systems file format system links supply chain partners assignments dashboard signatures goods trace track sign on glass covid proof warehouse complex scenarios packaging ERP system ADR Transport Digital Electronic Documents Cooperation DIGI Transit Technology Innovation Process Paper Ishare […]

Stay informed of our new innovations

Collect + Go easily connects to your system. With the file transfer method it does not matter in which format the data is delivered. We also have the option of further processing the data for you. With the API delivery we ensure seamless integration into your process.

The Collect + Go platform connects very easily with all systems. Extracting data from your system is simple. We take care of the processing, regardless of the file format.

The Collect + Go platform connects very easily with backend systems. When data is extracted from these systems with the cargo and / or journey data, we will take care of the further processing. No system adjustments are therefore necessary. There is also no hassle with formats.






























Mercedes benz






e cmr







WMS / TMS system


















QR code

Pin code



collect and go


collect & go





e cmr




digital cmr






system links



















ERP system












