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BTT digitizes container handling with e-CMR

ecmr BTT

BTT digitizes container handling with e-CMR

BTT Multimodal Container Solutions offers sustainable container logistics, with full-service solutions for container handling and transport, nationally and internationally. With its own barge and rail terminals in Tilburg, Eindhoven and Bergen op Zoom, dozens of connections to and from Rotterdam, Antwerp, Poland and China are maintained every week.
The introduction of e-CMR was a long-cherished wish of Sjoerd de Roover, business engineering & IT manager. ‘e-CMR has been on my radar since 2019. As a multimodal service provider, we have to deal with a lot of paperwork. That is outdated, but is deeply rooted in the operation. So you can’t just change that.’
Collect + Go understands this. They align their solutions with our processes. This makes the transition to paperless easier. We recently started to apply e-CMR with Syncreon, one of our customers with a lot of administrative handling.

Flexibele tekenprocessen

De tekenprocessen van Collect + Go zijn heel goed te integreren in de dagelijkse praktijk. Dit is belangrijk omdat er bij containervervoer verschillende overdrachtsmomenten zijn. Wij plaatsen de container bij de laadsluis van de klant, maar onze chauffeurs openen de container niet. De handtekening voor ontvangst volgt dan dus op een later moment. In dat geval zet de klant via het webportal de handtekening. Daarmee wordt de container bij ons leeg gemeld. Dit genereert dan meteen een trigger dat de container leeg is en kan worden opgehaald. Daarnaast is het ook mogelijk om bij laad en los activiteiten de container leeg te melden.

Flexibility in signoff

Collect + Go’s e-signing processes can be easily integrated into daily practice. This is important because there are different transfer moments in container transport. We place the container at the customer’s loading dock, but our drivers do not open the container. The signature for receipt will then follow at a later moment in time. In that case, the customer signs via the web portal. With this signoff the container is reported empty and ready for pickup. In addition, it is now also possible to report the container empty during loading and unloading activities.

Security and compliance

In addition to sustainability, data security and compliance with laws and regulations are very important. De Roover: “We collect goods from customers and in the port of Rotterdam. Collect + Go already works with parties that add extra security to the process for collecting and returning containers. This is important, because their smart integrations are already being used by other terminals. With the e-CMR certification by the Benelux authorities, we are compliant with laws and regulations. The ISO27001 certification offers comfort in the field of data security.”

Further rollout

Because e-CMR provides important benefits for BTT, the application of Collect + Go will be further implemented. De Roover: “e-CMR is also very interesting in the multimodal process. We have already done a first test on the Tilburg-Rzepin corridor.”