Klantcase Scheuten
Scheuten Glas has been working with e-CMR for 5 years
Scheuten Glas, one of the market leaders in the Netherlands in flat glass for the construction industry, has been working with e-CMR for five years. Drivers from the transport companies Lannutti/Schade, Emons/van Huet, P. Daemen, Simon Loos, Kees Koopman, Wessels transport, Eurogaume, H. Winnen, PWT Belgium and Glass Partners Transport Group apply the e-CMR process across the board. for Scheuten, both on the incoming and outgoing flows. So time for a party!
During the Day of the Truck Driver, Bossche Bollen were ready at the reception. With this, Scheuten Glas and Collect + Go celebrate that drivers have been at the forefront of applying e-CMR in recent years.
Continuous process improvement
Scheuten Glas started in 2020 to move from paper to digital, says Math Heetkamp, Logistics Manager. “This immediately provided us with important benefits. The status of shipments is visible at any time, both upstream and downstream. The logistics department immediately receives a message when a shipment is out of schedule, so that customers can be informed quickly and correctly.”
It soon became apparent that the handling of shipments is also faster. Warehouse employees sign shipments with a secure signature or PIN code and drivers can drive away immediately when the truck is loaded.
“After the first year, we started working on improving the return process for glass jars. What was striking is that the processes become much tighter once you get started with e-CMR. We are now reaping the benefits of this every day. We are currently working on finalizing the process for unplanned return packaging.
With this way of working, we remain at the forefront of construction logistics, which fits our ambition as a modern player in glass processing,” says Heetkamp.
Security and compliance
In addition to sustainability, data security and compliance with laws and regulations were very important. Heetkamp: “In construction it is important to be able to demonstrate how we left the goods behind. Photos play an important role in this. The exceptions are also structured. With Collect + Go’s easy-to-activate signing processes, placing a secure signature is also a piece of cake. This was very nice during the Corona pandemic, because it allowed us to keep our distance from each other. With the e-CMR recognition from the Benelux authorities, we are compliant with laws and regulations. The ISO27001 certification offers comfort in the field of data security.”