Fastlane e-CMR

Smurfit Kappa creates fastlane with e-CMR Smurfit Kappa is one of the largest players in paper-based packaging worldwide. The paper mill in Roermond supplies the rolls of paper that are used to make cardboard packaging. Various transporters are used in European distribution. To optimize this process, Smurfit Kappa has integrated Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution into its business operations.This fits seamlessly with the goods issue from SAP. At Smurfit Kappa they were looking for a solution that provides legal cover and allows for faster handling of the truck. Marc Scheeren, logistics manager at Smurfit Kappa, says: “Our factory site is small. As a result, we have to continuously improve the transport movements. e-CMR enables us to have trucks leave quicker. Signoff at the forklift Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution offers the opportunity to trigger document signoff deeper in the operation. Scheeren says: “The forklift driver loads the rolls of paper onto the tautliner. The driver can sign with the forklift driver. He no longer has to go inside and can leave immediately. Transporters can choose how they integrate the e-CMR process into their daily operations. This was essential for us, because transporters and our customers must also be able to work with it. Collect + Go has the know-how and can make this happen.” The implementation went smoothly from the moment IT was on board. At the start of the implementation several sub-processes were identified. Scheeren: “An intercompany shipment works differently than a delivery to the external customer. By involving all parties involved, both internally and externally, we can now roll out the e-CMR process across the board. The technology supports this.” No-nonsense approach Collect + Go provided the Smurfit Kappa project team with the necessary technical specifications and supervised the process from the start. Scheeren explains: “With the provided tools we were able to make the connection with our own SAP application. We had regular contact with the Collect + Go team and received immediate answers to our questions thanks to the short lines of communication.” Efficiency and user-friendliness Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution provides Smurfit Kappa and its supply chain parties several benefits. Scheeren: “Digitalization not only saves us a lot of costs, but is also more sustainable. With Collect + Go we now have digital proof of delivery, which is important both legally and operationally. Furthermore, the system allows us to better manage our customers’ expectations by delivering a more modern and user-friendly experience. For example, deliveries can be tracked in real time.” Would you like to know more about this and other cases? Click here for more customer references.
Digital waybill – Ratification e-CMR Italy

Flowers can now be shipped to Vatican with e-CMR On March 4, the Italian Parliament ratified the e-CMR protocol. This means that e-CMR can now also be applied in Italy. Since Italy is the fourth largest economy in the EU and is responsible for many cross-border transports within the EU, this further accelerates the adoption and application of e-CMR. As one of the leading parties in this area, we help shippers and transporters to digitize goods issuance, handling and receipt of goods with e-CMR. Overview of countries to apply e-CMR e-CMR can be applied in 36 countries worldwide, below an overview for EU and surrounding countries.
BTT digitizes container handling with e-CMR

BTT digitizes container handling with e-CMR BTT Multimodal Container Solutions offers sustainable container logistics, with full-service solutions for container handling and transport, nationally and internationally. With its own barge and rail terminals in Tilburg, Eindhoven and Bergen op Zoom, dozens of connections to and from Rotterdam, Antwerp, Poland and China are maintained every week.The introduction of e-CMR was a long-cherished wish of Sjoerd de Roover, business engineering & IT manager. ‘e-CMR has been on my radar since 2019. As a multimodal service provider, we have to deal with a lot of paperwork. That is outdated, but is deeply rooted in the operation. So you can’t just change that.’Collect + Go understands this. They align their solutions with our processes. This makes the transition to paperless easier. We recently started to apply e-CMR with Syncreon, one of our customers with a lot of administrative handling. Flexibele tekenprocessen De tekenprocessen van Collect + Go zijn heel goed te integreren in de dagelijkse praktijk. Dit is belangrijk omdat er bij containervervoer verschillende overdrachtsmomenten zijn. Wij plaatsen de container bij de laadsluis van de klant, maar onze chauffeurs openen de container niet. De handtekening voor ontvangst volgt dan dus op een later moment. In dat geval zet de klant via het webportal de handtekening. Daarmee wordt de container bij ons leeg gemeld. Dit genereert dan meteen een trigger dat de container leeg is en kan worden opgehaald. Daarnaast is het ook mogelijk om bij laad en los activiteiten de container leeg te melden. Flexibility in signoff Collect + Go’s e-signing processes can be easily integrated into daily practice. This is important because there are different transfer moments in container transport. We place the container at the customer’s loading dock, but our drivers do not open the container. The signature for receipt will then follow at a later moment in time. In that case, the customer signs via the web portal. With this signoff the container is reported empty and ready for pickup. In addition, it is now also possible to report the container empty during loading and unloading activities. Security and compliance In addition to sustainability, data security and compliance with laws and regulations are very important. De Roover: “We collect goods from customers and in the port of Rotterdam. Collect + Go already works with parties that add extra security to the process for collecting and returning containers. This is important, because their smart integrations are already being used by other terminals. With the e-CMR certification by the Benelux authorities, we are compliant with laws and regulations. The ISO27001 certification offers comfort in the field of data security.” Further rollout Because e-CMR provides important benefits for BTT, the application of Collect + Go will be further implemented. De Roover: “e-CMR is also very interesting in the multimodal process. We have already done a first test on the Tilburg-Rzepin corridor.”
Celebrating e-CMR

Today during the Day of the Truck driver Bossche Bollen are served to drivers at Scheuten Glas, Brouwers Transport and Leen Bakker. These companies celebrate that drivers have been at the forefront of applying e-CMR in recent years. As a company from ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Collect + Go has provided the technology that made this happen. Deelnemende bedrijven Scheuten Glas, one of the market leaders in the Netherlands in glass panes for the construction industry, has been working with e-CMR for three years. Drivers from the transport companies Lannutti/Schade, Bascon, P. Daemen, Simon Loos, Kees Koopman, Emons, Eurogaume and Glass Transport Group apply the e-CMR process in Scheuten’s supply chain, upstream and downstream. Brouwers Transport from ‘s-Hertogenbosch has been working with e-CMR for two years now. Drivers handle their administration within the ZF/Transics workflow. The process runs in the background. This saves a lot of paper and hassle. Leen Bakker is a user from the very beginning. As a token of appreciation for years of use, Jan de Groot’s delicacy is also available here. Customer references Would you like to know how these (and other) parties apply e-CMR? Then take a look at these customer cases: Scheuten Glas Brouwers Transport AGC Kraaijeveld Groente en Fruit Wim Claes
New streamlined process inspires AGC to ramp up e-CMR in daily operation!

New streamlined process inspires AGC to ramp up e-CMR in daily operation AGC Glass, a division of AGC Group, is one of the leading glass manufacturers in construction. Their glass panes are distributed all over the world to their customers. The European logistic process was digitized recently with Collect + Go’s e-CMR solution. Container carrier De Block from Evergem played an important role in this digital transition. AGC’s ambition was to streamline the daily operation in a paperless flow. One of their customers already applied e-CMR since 2019. During the Covid pandemic, this new way of working proved its value. It was very easy to switch over to a QR code signoff process in which social distancing was applied. For AGC’s logistics team this was the first stepping stone in digitization of the logistics operation. For Gauthier Bouchez, project manager AGC Glass, the e-CMR process brings a lot of value to the business: “Collect + Go delivers flexible scenarios in handling the e-CMR. When we initiated the project we thought that the goods issuing from our SAP system would be the starting point for e-CMR. It turned out that the process actually started at carrier De Block. They had a legal obligation to issue a paper CMR for the empty container leg. With Collect + Go’s flexible scenario handling we were able to combine two paper CMR’s into one digital e-CMR flow. With this real time process we have full visibility on our shipments now.” 3 months implementation This new way of working was delivered by the implementation team during the summer. Bouchez: “Collect + Go was selected via our RFI/RFP process. Their proven track record with one of our customers and their government certification and technical capabilities were important in our assessment. The project team started just before the summer. We went live mid-September. The integration with our SAP system was made via an API connection. De Block chose to integrate their planning and execution process in parallel. These preparations proved their value in the go live. This went smoothly and for the full 100% for container transport.” Data security and compliance Data security and legal compliance was, next to sustainability, vital to us. Bouchez: “We deliver goods to the Antwerp harbor. One of Collect + Go’s specializations is to link the e-CMR process to gate in / gate out processes. They already integrate with partners that add extra security to the pickup and delivery of containers at the terminals. The e-CMR accreditation by the Benelux governments provides the necessary legal compliancy. The ISO27001 certification safeguards us on data security. Further rollout Because e-CMR delivers important benefits for AGC Glass we are committed to further rollout to our other main carriers. Bouchez: “e-CMR is also of value to them. It eliminates a lot of hassle in the daily operation and provides real time visibility. Our next step is to apply on the other streams too.”
AI Integration for e-CMR

AI integration for e-CMR AI integration container- and sealrecognition On October 24, Sentors, Pharox and Collect + Go launched the first AI integration for e-CMR during the final DDSZ event at VDL Steelweld in Breda. During this event, interested parties could experience how drivers can automatically create e-CMRs from their daily work process when they take photos of container and seal numbers. These photos provide additional information in the context of visibility and transparency in the supply chain. Another advantage of this way of working is that it provides more flexibility in handling by drivers. It is not always known in advance which container is being transported. Only after arriving at the location the driver will be told which container is ready to go. A flow in which documentation is built up based on user activities was therefore desirable. The application of AI technologies, in addition to existing OCR techniques, offers new opportunities to organize processes differently. Intermodal Container Transport Venlo (CTV) is the first to apply this innovation when drivers pick up an export container for their customers. This will build up the first data to train the model for recognizing seal and container numbers. The first datasets for containers and seal numbers have already been processed within the AI application. Availability We developed this integration in collaboration with Sentors and Pharox within Digital Data Square South Netherlands (DDSZ).