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e-CMR corridor Netherlans-Poland

e-CMR Benelux: proeftuin voor e-FTI

The Tilburg (Netherlands) – Rzepin (Poland) e-Joint Corridor was launched on June 13th: one digital delivery process for e-documents for road and train transport. This innovation is the result of a collaboration between Bostik, GVT, Essers, Collect + Go and Logistics Community Brabant (LCB).

With this innovation this freight route becomes even more interesting for shippers and transporters.

Research shows that digitization at the terminal in Tilburg can save one hour in time. If this process is also applied in Poland, the same time savings will be recorded there.

For shippers it also pays off to participate. They save 10 minutes in the issuing process.

The added value of digitizing and linking freight documents across modalities is huge. Traditionally, each individual transportation mode has its own paper freight document. For example, road transport uses the CMR where rail operators need a CIM. To be able to considerably scale up multimodal transport and apply it for large groups of shippers and transporters, it is necessary that the complexity of paperwork is reduced. Reducing paperwork is also good environmental practice. CO2 emissions are reduced when modal shift is made easier for participants.

With the e-JointCorridor on the Tilburg-Rzepin route, the CMR’s of shipper Bostik are automatically digitized from their SAP system into e-CMRs. The data from the e-CMR’s is made available digitally on issuing for carrier GVT, thus enabling them to organise the road and rail transport from the Bostik factory in Oosterhout to the Raben warehouse facility in Poland. The rail terminals in Brabant and Rzepin receive the necessary information to create e-documents for rail and road transport in real time.

The e-CMRs of the individual trucks, intended for the same train, connect seamlessly with the e-CIM. Also in Rzepin, GVT can already prepare the last piece of road transport to the recipient with the e-CMRs. The 24/7 digital availability of freight documents in every step in the chain that speeds up the flow of goods during loading, transfer and unloading. The first findings indicate a saving in lead time of up to 20%.

Effectively, this means that a higher transport frequency can be achieved with the same means of transport. A 20% saving in lead times creates space for one extra train per week! This enormous productivity improvement leads to a further strengthening of the position of multimodal transport compared to traditional road transport.

The e-JointCorridor is offered via the Collect + Go implementation model and platform, complies with all legislation and regulations (government certified) and is made interoperable with other e-CMR providers within the Digi-Transit partnership. The next step is scaling up the e-JointCorridor to other shippers and carriers within these and other freight routes.

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