AI Integration for e-CMR

AI integration for e-CMR AI integration container- and sealrecognition On October 24, Sentors, Pharox and Collect + Go launched the first AI integration for e-CMR during the final DDSZ event at VDL Steelweld in Breda. During this event, interested parties could experience how drivers can automatically create e-CMRs from their daily work process when they take photos of container and seal numbers. These photos provide additional information in the context of visibility and transparency in the supply chain. Another advantage of this way of working is that it provides more flexibility in handling by drivers. It is not always known in advance which container is being transported. Only after arriving at the location the driver will be told which container is ready to go. A flow in which documentation is built up based on user activities was therefore desirable. The application of AI technologies, in addition to existing OCR techniques, offers new opportunities to organize processes differently. Intermodal Container Transport Venlo (CTV) is the first to apply this innovation when drivers pick up an export container for their customers. This will build up the first data to train the model for recognizing seal and container numbers. The first datasets for containers and seal numbers have already been processed within the AI application. Availability We developed this integration in collaboration with Sentors and Pharox within Digital Data Square South Netherlands (DDSZ).